Saturday, January 2, 2010

Say Hello to Dianne!

1. Mama Rabbits Workshop

2. Dianne

3. I joined Etsy in May of 2009 but didn't start listing until July, and really didn't get serious with it until November.

4. Sad to say I am a widow. My husband died in 2006 of a sudden massive heart attack. He was only 54. It's still hard living alone and the holidays are especially difficult for us.

5. Birthday is February 4

6. I live in North Alabama

7. I have one son. His name is Brian and he turned 30 in May. I have a sweet daughter-in-law named Veronica, no grands yet. They've only been married two years and she is still in college right now. I'm not rushing them, but when one does come I will have a ball with it I'm sure!!

8. I have been crafting for most of my life. My mom and I did craft shows for over 25 years. We still make things together. The quilt, pillows and dolls in my Etsy shop are things I have done for years, although the Cathedral Windows pattern is fairly new for me. My mom had done it years ago. We started making the quilts together about six or 7 years ago, at least. I got hooked on that pattern and have been doing it along with everything else ever since.

9. In the little free time I have I love to read (listen) to recorded books. My eye condition prevents me from reading more than a few paragraphs at a time, so my recorded books are my best friends. Reading has always been my favorite thing to do. "Hearing" books is not quite as good as reading the written word, but it sure beats the alternative. I also enjoy my flowers in the summer, and cutting my own grass. Also spending time with family, and going to church.

10. I am in a very small church and we are in the process of building membership right now. We have been blessed with a wonderful new pastor recently and he is planning some short mission trips to go on soon. If I can I plan to be a part of these. I am also the treasurer of my church.

11. I have been a christian for about 22 years.

12. My favorite item in my shop is the Cathedral Windows Quilt.

13. I would like to travel a lot more than I have had the opportunity to do so far. I look forward to the mission trips we are planning. I dream of one day seeing my Etsy shop become a success, this would be a great opportunity for me, not only to earn extra money, which is a big need for me, but also for the opportunity to meet people from all over the world.

14. I would bring my good salsa dip and one of my lusious mandrin ornage cakes.

15. Sweets are my downfall!

16. I'm loaded with pets! I have about 20 rabbits, about 12 quail, my son's little terrier dog outside that I got left with, my favorite baby Miss Mousey. She is the cat you see on my Avatar. She is my best buddy. I also have 2 to 4 outside cats depending on when you count! Sounds like a zoo doesn't it?

17. Just put me beside the pool, please.

18. Plenty of depends, I wouldn't be looking forward to the trip!!

19. My Dodge Pick-up is Big Red/

20. Yes! So many ideas are going through my head. I want to add more types of throw pillows, and lots of smaller, more inexpensive items, and I hope to be able to put together some more different types of kits.


Christie Cottage said...

Welcome Diane!

Penrose Designs said...

Welcome Dianne! Love your shop! This one is my favorite:
