Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Say hello to Ava!

1. Shop Name(s) lavenderdreams4ever

2. First Name Ava

3. How long have you been a member of the Etsy Community? February 17, 2010

4. Married/Single? Spouse's name Married 25 years to Billy

5. Birthday Month/Day... we don't need the year. July 27

6. What state/country do you live in? Kentucky USA

7. Do you have any children? Will you tell us their lst name and age? 3 children. Joseph, 24 Amber, 23 Justin, 21

8. How long have you been crafting what you sell on Etsy? About 6 months

9. When you have free time, what do you like to do? Blog!

10. Are you on a ministry team at your church or do you have your own ministry?

What type is it? Not behind a pulpit but I am a written Epistle

11. How long have you been a Christian? 25 years

12. What is your favorite item in your shop right now? Green patterned herbal dream pillow http://www.etsy.com/listing/46859192/green-patterned-herbal-dream-pillow-in

13. What would you like to do that you have not done yet? Go on a cruise

14. If we were having a team party, what would you be bringing? My famous dinner rolls and my sense of humor!

15. Do you prefer salty or sweet snacks? Hmmmm...That's a hard one! But I would say salty!

16. What type of pets do you have, if any? A little dog with a big attitude named Chloe

17. Which of these three would you prefer to do? Hang glide, bungee jump, or sit by the pool and be waited on hand and foot? Being I'm like a cat in a tree I'd say the latter!

18. If you were on a rocket to the moon, what is one thing you would want to have? Oh, boy! I'd have to be sedated to be on that rocket! So I'd say I'd bring my bible!

19. Does your vehicle have a name, if so, what is it? Nellie Bell

20. Is there anything other type of items that you would like to add to your current shop? lavender/mint soap even though I've never made it!


Momma Liz said...

Hi Ava, I think I met you in the thread earlier today. Welcome aboard. If I may be of any service to you, please convo me.

Lindsay said...

HI! Welcome to the team! Mmmmmm... lavender mint sounds yummy!