Thursday, December 10, 2009

Welcome Kristin aka WaterColorWishes!

1. Shop Name(s) watercolorwishes

2. First Name Kristin

3. How long have you been a member of the Etsy Community? One month

4. Married/Single? Spouse's name My husband passed away almost two years ago. His name is Danny.

5. Birthday Month/Day... we don't need the year. May 24

6. What state/country do you live in? New Jersey

7. Do you have any children? Will you tell us their lst name and age? I have a six year old.

8. How long have you been crafting what you sell on Etsy? I have been painting as long as I can remember.

9. When you have free time, what do you like to do? I love to read, bake, spend time with people, and create.

10. Are you on a ministry team at your church or do you have your own ministry? I was on the steering team of MOPS for years(Mothers of Preschoolers) and now that my son is past kindergarten, am serving in other areas. Mainly reaching out to other moms who want to teach their kids about God, but do not know how.

What type is it?

11. How long have you been a Christian? Since childhood, although did not seriously start reading the Bible on my own until my late 20's.

12. What is your favorite item in your shop right now? The painting of Stavanger, Norway.

13. What would you like to do that you have not done yet? see the rest of the world!

14. If we were having a team party, what would you be bringing? dessert

15. Do you prefer salty or sweet snacks? both,preferable together.

16. What type of pets do you have, if any? none

17. Which of these three would you prefer to do? Hang glide, bungee jump, or sit by the pool and be waited on hand and foot?pool

18. If you were on a rocket to the moon, what is one thing you would want to have?Bible

19. Does your vehicle have a name, if so, what is it?

20. Is there anything other type of items that you would like to add to your current shop? lots of stuff to come Lord Willing!! I had no idea how much time and effort this took:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the team Kristin! God bless!