Wednesday, February 16, 2011

TTC Valentine's Day - Voting

Many apologies for the tardiness of this post. It's been a bit busy at work since I'm catching up on everything that I missed while being sick. But, here it is, the time for voting for the lovely Treasuries that were made for this TTC.

Sadly, there were only 4 Treasuries made for the TTC this round and because one shop made two (which is TOTALLY FINE by the way, you're no penalized for making more than one Treasury, you just can't have more than one Treasury in the TTC voting), I'm afraid we only have 3 Treasuries . Happily, they are all gorgeous! :) So here they are, in no particular order.

So there you are. Look to the right of the post and go vote for your favorite! Voting will close Sunday, February 20th. ♥


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