Thursday, January 15, 2009

Embracing Change

I found this story in my email and thought it was important to think about, with the inauguration coming up. And for changes in our personal lives too. ~Anastasia
January 14, 2009 at 09:45

Embrace Change

The other night as I was getting ready for bed, I became overwhelmed with fear, not of anything specific, but of what ifs. I read it's common after losing a loved one to fear another upset, to worry over change in general.

"Here, Mom," my son handed me his book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

In the middle of reading his bedtime story about a caterpillar becoming a butterfly I realized so many children's books are about change yet it's an issue many of us struggle with throughout our lives. Whether it's changing jobs, relationships, residences, even positive changes can cause stress.

More often than not though, there are gifts in each transformation. Even in my lowest lows after losing my sister, I felt the strength of love in a way I never had before, a way that's opened my heart.

Later that night, reading my prayer book my eyes fell on this passage:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths."

Yes, I thought. Trust. Let go of wanting things to be predictable and the same. Think of the beautiful butterfly.

1 comment:

Charsbeads4u said...

Wow....that's such a powerful story! I am always telling my grandson that God allows people to come into our lives and pass through our lives to teach us things...I tell him, yes he will miss his friends when they move, but God has many more in store for him as he grows into who God wants him to be!
I love that symbolisim of the butterfly...God wants us to trust him, for we have no idea what He has in store for us...but we know God is good and He wants what is best for us...
Thank you Anastasia for sharing that verse...I need to remind myself daily to lean not on my own understanding, and to acknowledge the Lord, for He certainly will make our paths straight, because He loves us!