Hello everyone! Welcome to the April Edition of our Team Treasury Challenge (TTC). If this is your first time joining in the fun of TTC, no worries!!! It's LOADS of fun and if you aren't sure how to make a treasury just click HERE for instructions. And moving on... Well, I don't know about where you are, but here in west Texas it is WAY too dry. We haven't had some good rain in so long and the fire danger is extremely high! In fact, we were getting text messages from kids in our youth group last night who were in danger of having to evacuate their home because of a wildfire! April is supposed to be the month of April Showers and I'm definitely praying that we get some April Showers this month. Besides, I love the rain. You get to wear golashes, it cleans the air, you don't have to pay to water your lawn, and... with April showers comes May flowers! Sounds wonderful right? :) I think so. Anyway, in honor of April Showers, our theme for the TTC this month is... that's right, you guessed it: April Showers. And here's a little inspiration for you:

But that's not it... there's MORE! This month, because we also have the wonderful holiday of EASTER, we actually have TWO themes. I mean, how was I supposed to NOT include Easter as a theme, right??? Sooo... the second theme is Easter. And for some Easter inspiration:
1. All team members are allowed to participate.
2. To participate, you must make a Treasury that is your interpretation of the Challenge Theme. In this case, the Challenge Theme is April Showers or EASTER
3. You must include at least 10 items from TeamCAC members. I cannot stress this enough, this is the #1 reason beautiful treasuries aren't included in the voting. They just didn't have enough team members present. This isn't to be mean, but the point of the TTC is to get more TeamCAC exposure and that doesn't work if you don't have enough team members in your treasury. :)
4. You must tag your Treasury with "teamcac", "challenge", "april", in order for your Treasury to be counted as an entry. You can use any other tags you want, but to be counted as an entry, it must include those three tags.
5. The top 10 (TEN) Treasuries with the most COMMENTS (not views, not clicks but COMMENTS) will be entered among the "Finals". The "Finals" will then be posted to the Team Blog where we all get to go vote for our favorites.
6. There is no limit to the number of Treasuries you can make, but you are only allowed ONE Treasury (per shop) in the Finals.
7. I haven't asked this before, but it would be AWESOME if you could post your treasuries in the Team Treasury Challenge thread of our team forum. This will help me to find them more easily so hopefully I can check them beforehand and any adjustments can be made prior to the deadline. :) Here's the link to the thread. CLICK HERE!
The TTC will be open until Sunday, April 17th Then I will start sifting through the Treasuries to determine the Finals and they will be posted on the team blog next week. So have fun and of course...
(If you are interested in sponsoring a prize for the TTC, please email/convo me.)
OH... and I suppose you would like to know what the prize is. Well, this might just be your lucky day! The winner of TTC - April Showers/Easter will get to select one item for Angela's Facebook Page Hampton House. Awesome huh? THANKS ANGELA for sponsoring this month's TTC. Alright, now go, make your beautiful treasuries and be sure you follow the rules of the TTC. ♥